Government tightens up electrical safety rules for landlords
The government has sparked up a new idea so that everyone can feel safe and secure in their homes. The idea gives landlords greater responsibility to ensure that their rental properties are fit to live in for their tenants.
The new rule, that was announced in January, means that landlords must ensure mandatory electrical inspections are carried out in their private rental accommodation by competent and qualified inspectors, as part of the government’s commitment to drive up standards in the sector. Failing to comply could result in tough financial penalties.
There will be a transitional period in the first two years, whereby the new rule will only affect new private tenancies in the first year and then extend to all existing private tenancies in the second year.
Properties with an existing electrical installation condition report (EICR) will not be required to replace it for five years from its start date. And for new, fully rewired properties, an Electrical Installation Certificate can be presented in place of an EICR, provided the date of the next inspection mentioned on the certificate has not elapsed.
New guidance which sets out the minimum level of competence and qualifications necessary for those carrying out the inspections is to be published. It will provide clear accountability at each stage of the inspection process without excessive cost and time burdens on landlords.
Alongside the new guidance, existing “competent person scheme operators” will be invited to set up an electrical inspection and testing scheme which inspectors and testers can choose to join.
Councils will also have the authority to impose fines of up to £30,000 on rogue landlords who rent out poor quality properties from 1st June 2019.
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