Free Wills Month
March is Free Wills Month for members of the public aged 55 and over!
Free Wills Month brings together a group of well-respected charities to offer members of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their simple Wills written or updated free of charge by using participating solicitors in locations across England, Scotland and Wales.
An up to date Will written by a solicitor ensures your wishes are respected. The solicitor will help to draw up a Will that accurately reflects the wishes of the individual or couple. It also avoids difficult decisions and legal complications for your loved ones. Free Wills Month allows you to provide for family and friends and leave a gift to your chosen charities too. Those taking up the offer are under no obligation to leave a gift to one of the Free Wills Month charities, however, we earnestly hope that many will see this as a chance to help their favourite cause.
For more information please visit
A gift in your Will costs you nothing now but can make a difference for years to come.
